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Popup for User for PUA or removal etc.

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Hi, im trying to enable any kind of PopUp for Users e.g. for removal of trojans or an bocked PUA but i´m not really finding anything. I might use the wrong searchterms but would appreciate any help.

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28 minutes ago, phil1312 said:

Hi, im trying to enable any kind of PopUp for Users e.g. for removal of trojans or an bocked PUA but i´m not really finding anything. I might use the wrong searchterms but would appreciate any help.


Maybe this is what you are looking for?

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26 minutes ago, Nightowl said:

Thanks but i configured this already. But i want users to get the PopUp that Eset removed something (for example the POA) At the moment they dont get PopUps

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2 hours ago, phil1312 said:

Thanks but i configured this already. But i want users to get the PopUp that Eset removed something (for example the POA) At the moment they dont get PopUps

If ESET is running in terminal mode , then it won't show any notifications , but will have them logged to ESET Protect(Center) , incase you are not using that , then the notifications will still be logged to ESET , but not coming up to users

in GUI mode if it's not coming up could be because the system has multiple users


Check first link and see if you have desktop notifications disabled

And if you have multiple users , check this link :


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