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On-Demand Scans - what is best practice?

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Hi there,

I am setting up my ESET Protect console and have a number of client machines running ESET Endpoint product.  Some of these are WIndows 10 client machines and some are Windows Servers (including one HyperV host running 3 HyperV servers.

What is the general opinion of best practice as far as running on-demand scans on these machines?  Should an on-demand scan run every day (for servers) and once a week (for client workstations) - or other frequency?

Should different types of scans (Smart Scan/Full Scan) be run on all client machines (workstations and servers)

Are the scheduled on demand scans created as Client Tasks in the ESET Protect console - or are they configured via the Scheduler module?  

Should any files/areas be excluded from scanning (on servers or client workstations).

Are there any different scan options/configuration required for the HyperV server?

Any advice greatly welcomed.



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Running a full disk scan once a month should be sufficient. Even once or twice a year should be ok because there are plenty of protection modules that can detect threats on a disk, such as real-time protection, startup scans, memory scans, etc.

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There's no general rule neither for servers nor workstations as to how often full disk scans should be run. Just avoid running a disk scan when a machine is being used and cpu / disk intensive operations are being performed.

I'd prefer using the Scheduler in Endpoint to run scan tasks.

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Thanks Marcos - I shall have a look at using the Scheduler.  Is it possible to view the On Demand scan results by machine if it is done this way?  

Just out of curiosity - why do you prefer the Scheduler?




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