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Web Filter clean up

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Good afternoon,

I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong topic. I'm looking to clean up our web filter as I think we have too many URLs in our whitelist that aren't necessarily blocked by default. Could I input the URLs into virus total or another source to see if it's flagged? I'm trying to find another way around instead of manually removing the URL in the whitelist to test if it allowed or not by our ESET policy. 


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Unfortunately it is not clear if you are referring to the Web access protection URL management or to Web Control filtering. Even if you use a whitelist, visited URLs should not be logged by default.

Of course, you can check any url at VirusTotal.com.

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Still it's not clear what you would like to achieve. By clean-up do you mean removing desired websites from the allow or block lists? If so, you can edit the policy and the change will take effect on clients.

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I can give examples in what I'm looking to achieve in cleaning up our policy. We have URLs with protocols and just the domain names, in which I think I can just delete the ones with protocols since it's just repeating the same domain?

Let's say outlook.com is within the policy whitelist and I delete it. After the policy is updated on the client computer, they are still able to access outlook.com. This example is where I'm trying to speed up by using virus total instead of testing on my own machine.

Also, we have the same URLs in both whitelist and blacklist in which the whitelist will take priority because the URL group is sitting on top of blacklist? I'm just a little confuse on this one because why put it in the blacklist if it's already allowed in the whitelist. Are there any consequences if I delete the repeating URLs found in the blacklist that the whitelist already has?

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