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Displaying the license in the program.

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Guest Aleks

Привет. Почему срок действия лицензии в программе сдвинут на один день. Например, моя лицензия официально истекает 01.04.2022 и в программе 02.04.22. Меня это очень раздражает.

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Guest Aleks

Hello. Why the license validity period in the program is shifted by one day. For example, my license officially expires on 01.04.2022 and in the program 02.04.22. This really annoys me.

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  • Most Valued Members

maybe it has to do with how the service counts days. for example i bought my license on September 5 2020 and it expires on September 6 2022. for some reason it adds one day on top of the day of the purchase.

besides the "aesthetic", there's no problem with that.

Edited by shocked
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