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Repeated Module Updates Cancelled by User

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ESET EIS 14.2.19 ....I would have waited this out but -- itman''s -- HIPS issue Thread had in it -- [What may have caused this HIPS malfunction was a few days ago, I had an Eset module update hang on me. I cancelled it via Eset GUI option but even then, it "sputtered" a bit. Appears this corrupted the HIPS module in some way. ]

I am repeatedly seeing the orange flag in the Sys Tray and -- Modules Update Failed ... Dnload Interrupted by user", where I then Chk for Updates and Do you want to Dnload XXX kB - OK, and today 4 Modules THEN updated.

What's my next step?

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The dialog asking you "Do you want to Dnload XXX kB" suggests that you have this option enabled:


Please disable it and see how update behaves then.

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Thanks, Marcos.

Ask Before Dnload was Marked AND it likely was done so by an ESET Ver Update as I'm not sure I've ever noticed it.


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