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ESET CyberSecurity Pro repeatedly finds an object in my Outlook email

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Every time I launch Outlook, I get a red-bannered pop-up from ESET that says it found, quarantined and cleaned a PDF from my email. I use Outlook 365 and gmail. I have Mac OS 11.3. The ESET message gives the path to the object (see below), but I cannot find it because ESET deletes it. I tried temporarily disabling ESET's email protection and anti-pfishing in order to find the object, but nothing. I have even deleted all emails from the time period that this started happening (about 2 weeks ago) directly from the gmail server. Still no change.

This is very annoying and makes me wonder if my computer is compromised. I have also done several deep scans with ESET but it says everything is fine. 

Here is the message from ESET's log file:

4/28/21, 7:06:30 PM    Real-time file system protection    file    /private/var/folders/kz/_gmf3w856cxd4jzcnlbm6pkr0000gp/T/com.microsoft.Outlook/Outlook Temp/Factura[5RFv].pdf    PDF/Phishing.A.Gen trojan    cleaned by deleting        Event occurred during an attempt to access the file by the application: /Applications/Microsoft Outlook.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Outlook (1B25B3A4BA9C8E57B49B569DD549CACD11DB6C27).    9A0CE151B4D4CB2FFAF24EB825CC2EF670E25D53    28. 4.2021 19:06:29


What to do? Thank you for any help.



Edited by JR from Maryalnd
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ESET CyberSecurity doesn't scan SSL communication. That said, the email you download is not scanned by email protection but it's scanned by real-time protection when saved to the disk. I would recommend logging in to Gmail via a browser and deleting the malicious email so that it's not fetched by Outlook any more.

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