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Why some features of ESET Internet Security disappear in version

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Hello, I found some features of ESET Internet Security disappear in version

In Advanced Setup -> Network attack protection -> Intrusion detection, "DNS Poisoning attack detection" disappear.

In "Packet inspection", "Check TCP connection status", "Maintain inactive TCP connections", "TCP protocol overload detection", "ICMP protocol message checking", "Covert data in ICMP protocol detection" diasppear.

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Either the code that was controlled by removed settings was already removed in newer versions or particular detections caused more false positives that actual suspicious detections (e.g. covert data channel in ICMP).

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I'm curious, why for example "DNS poisoning attack prevention" or "Maintain inactive TCP connections" code would be "removed in new Eset versions"? Removed without any substitution? Moved to Enterprise version?

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Already explained above. The code that the settings controlled was either removed or the detection was removed because it caused more false positives than actual attacks.

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