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How to Uninstall Eset without having to be safe mode

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I have Kaseya desktop management tools, I plan to install Eset with Kaseya, I need the Eset Uninstall Script without having to go to safe mode

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You can run

MSIEXEC /uninstall X:\ESET\eea_nt64_enu.msi /qb REBOOT="ReallySuppress" PASSWORD="password"

Instead of the msi file you can specifiy the GUID.

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The name of the msi file is weird. I've always had a file with the name like "C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Security\Installer\ees_nt64.msi" there on various machines.

Is it really there? How did you install ESET then?

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  • 4 weeks later...


hello marco, I have a product eset version 6.5.2 107.1, I want to uninstall, without entering safe mode, I tried using the script: msiexec.exe / X {GUID} / qn REBOOT = ReallySuppress PASSWORD = "PASSWORD" but it doesn't work

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Then I'd recommend opening a support ticket with your local ESET distributor since it will take several iterations and further logs will be needed. I'd start off by creating an uninstall log by adding an additional parameter "/lvx* uninstall.log".

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