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ESET Protect Log

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Hello, I have an EP running on centos7 and for technical reason, the database move in another (new) machine, I backup and restore the database into that new machine. eraserver, tomcat, and database running well and i can login into EP console but when i checked trace.log it shows this


Error: CDataMinersModule [Thread 7fb0d9889700]: CClientTasksAggregateDataMiner: Failed with: CSqlScanOp::GetNext(): Data types of column status are different (sql-type: 4, table-type: INT64)

Is it error from database? how to fix it?

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  • ESET Staff

Could you provide more details of how database was actually migrated? According to logs, there indeed seems to be some problem with DB schema, but that should not happen in case of standard backup/restore mechanisms, so something must have gone wrong.
Regarding mitigation, I have suspicion that there will be much more of similar issues, and as we have no clue how it happened, it is hard to provide any hints.
I would definitely recommend to open support ticket with your ESET representatives for futher analysis - my best guess is that analysis of your current DB schema, and it's comparison with expected schema will be required.

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