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Is ESET NOD32 still supported for Ubuntu 20.04

Guest tomault@cs.cmu.edu

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Guest tomault@cs.cmu.edu

I have gotten some conflicting information whether ESET NOD32 Antivirus for Linux Desktop is still supported or not.  On the one had, licenses for this product are still for sale, but the GUI does not seem to work on Ubuntu 20.04.  Or rather, it works immediately after instillation, but stops working after a reboot.  The GUI works fine on Ubuntu 18.0, however, and the antivirus protection continues to work on both operating systems.  A post in the forum seemed to indicate that this issue would not be fixed, as ESET NOD32 Antivirus for Linux had been discontinued and had been temporarily replaced with another product.  Before I buy a license for ESET NOD32, I'd like to make sure it is still supported and has not reached end-of-life.

Thank you

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Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is supported by the current legacy version of ESET NOD32 for Linux desktop.

In order for the icon to appear, you must install libappindicator1 as per https://support.eset.com/en/kb2653.

The app is still supported in terms of module updates and will be replaced with a fully supported product probably later this year.

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Guest tomault@cs.cmu.edu

I've installed that library, and it still doesn't work.  

if I purchase a license for ESET NOT32 Antivirus for Linux Desktop, will I be able to upgrade to the fully supported product when it becomes available or will I need to purchase a new license?


Thank you,


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