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ESET Enterprise Inspector version 1.5.1512 hotfix has been released

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Release date: March 15, 2021

ESET Enterprise Inspector 1.5.1512 hotfix has been released.

The build 1.5 is now available for download from the download page.


  • Added: Support for SQL Server table compression to prevent customer reported issues.

  • Added: Performance improvements for some SQL queries.

  • Fixed: Database filling up too quickly and no purge being performed issue.

  • Fixed: Database purge not working correctly when the SQL Server's default language is set to a language with a specific date format (returning the error: "Error converting data type varchar to datetime").

  • Fixed: MySQL Tables optimization being triggered too often (after the previous purge was running for longer).

  • Fixed: Database not able to accept new events if some endpoints produced unexpectedly high traffic that filled up the queue (thus resulting in errors about reaching queue/disk space limit).

  • Fixed: Issue of EEI creating too large SQL Server transaction logs and thus resulting in lack of space



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