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Password manager v2 - problem with export saved identity, passwords etc.

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Since yesterday I have problem with open Password Manager v2 - i want to export saved data in order to import to version 3 and when i try to do this I got error "Synchronization failed - Click Send in order to send an report about this error" and then Password Manager v2 is close. 

After install Password Manager v3 and logging into it I see many position in section `Notices` - I phink they was automatic migrated to new version - but every notice looks like this: "App: Username: Password: Comment: 鼖窰붍訋䐐㡦핊ဦᵳ"  - so I  suspect they migrated incorrectly.

So, how can I export now  data saved in Password Manager v2 and import it to the new version ? 

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on my system it says license expired and the date is 12/19/2020 but when I look at the license on eset and check online with eset says 2022... also when I click on the password manager in Firefox and try to export the button does nothing???  Have tried every way that the eset help files suggest to install/remedy this but no changes...  getting very irritating... same message over and over... below copy of what small window says




License expired

You will lose your account and stored passwords on 12/19/2020.

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10 hours ago, OldDude49 said:

on my system it says license expired and the date is 12/19/2020 but when I look at the license on eset and check online with eset says 2022... also when I click on the password manager in Firefox and try to export the button does nothing???  Have tried every way that the eset help files suggest to install/remedy this but no changes...  getting very irritating... same message over and over... below copy of what small window says


License expired

You will lose your account and stored passwords on 12/19/2020.

Please check if you have your license with the public license ID 3AD-TEH-KEM listed under Help and support -> Details for technical support. This license is indeed valid until July 2022.

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14 hours ago, andycom said:

Since yesterday I have problem with open Password Manager v2 - i want to export saved data in order to import to version 3 and when i try to do this I got error "Synchronization failed - Click Send in order to send an report about this error" and then Password Manager v2 is close. 

After install Password Manager v3 and logging into it I see many position in section `Notices` - I phink they was automatic migrated to new version - but every notice looks like this: "App: Username: Password: Comment: 鼖窰붍訋䐐㡦핊ဦᵳ"  - so I  suspect they migrated incorrectly.

Like I see not only I have the same problem with access to my data saved in Password Manager v2 although I don't have problem with the license ... more people describe the same problem on Eset Password Manager site in chrome store https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eset-password-manager/khhapgacijodhjokkcjmleaempmchlem ... 

I hope this will be fixed quickly becouse in one moment I practically lost access to my data encrypted by key which I have saved in Password Manager v2  :( 

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I have just gone thru this process and here's what you need to do.

            If you were using the old password Manager you need to do some VERY IMPORTANT STEPS BEFORE you upgrade


  1. Open Password Manager and export your passwords to an XLM file
  2. Export the config to an XML File 

IF YOU Don’t do this then you will LOSE ALL your passwords and never get them back.


When you have updated the Antivirus / Password Manager you need


  1. Uninstall the browser extension for password manager
  2. Log into the Eset control Panel
  3. Create a New Password store account under the licence.
  4. Re-add the password manager (now Version 3) which is done from the Eset Control panel.
  5. Import your old Password (from XML format file ONLY)
  6. Add any other password manager extensions for other browsers Chrome / Edge etc. (Explorer doesn't seem to be supported)


After that it seems to work ok.


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sounds very nice n such... thing is I did the export to xml... and import... and all the other stuff and I still have the same message... went through the all the stuff they tell you to do... NOPE...

had this trouble before... with the previous version... so I just shut it down as it was NOT doing it's job... thinkin of doing the same now... gettin real tired of software that don't work as advertised!!!!


and when I go to look still says good to 2022 plus it says they have fixed it... but pull down the password manager in the browser and get expired message... left hand ain't talkin to the right hand????

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but lookin at it and what's been posted here... they don't SEEM to match?????


OK just got done using online chat and the password manager is now working!!!


recommend if you are having issues use eset's online chat... took a bit cause i had made a mess of things but the online chat person got it sorted out and it now works!  worth the effort IMHO!!!

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On 12/3/2020 at 10:19 PM, OldDude49 said:

recommend if you are having issues use eset's online chat... took a bit cause i had made a mess of things but the online chat person got it sorted out and it now works!  worth the effort IMHO!!!

It's nice to hear that Your problem is solved - unfortunately, ESET support via online chat is not available in every region; ( - in my region I can contact only via e-mail.

So it's been 7 days since I lost access to my data stored in Password Manager and since I have reported problem to ESET support and so far no specific answer regarding the problems with badly migrated data and no access to Password Manager v2 in order to at least export stored data to xml ...; (

So far I only know that I am not only person who lost access to data stored in Password Manager v2 afert upgraded to version 3 so maybe on this forum is anyone from ESET stuff who can give more specific information about progress with this issues?

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well he had me create a NEW email address for eset due to a mixup/messup with the old ones and go through the whole process again was not difficult but the old email address's somehow did not work... IIRC... you may want to try the chat again it took awhile to get through required patients on my part.  AND he had em go back and release my old email addy's AFTER we had set up the new... think you will need to wait a bit... and watch the screen?  could not find a phone number and they never responded to my input only the online chat worked... ???  Oh also you have to allow access to your comp... but that access ends when he is done and the prog they send you deletes itself... patients was the key... seems there are a lot of people having issues???


the pwm is now working for me...good luck...

Edited by OldDude49
just wanted to add a little more
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