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Servus Community,

I am trying to determine the mail flow in our Exchange 2016 infrastructure. I have found a flowchart from both Microsoft and ESET, but I can't get the two together. The transport agents are resolved on the Exchange Server as follows:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-TransportAgent

Identity                                           Enabled         Priority
--------                                           -------         --------
ESET Filtering Agent                               True            1
ESET Filtering AV Agent                            True            2
Transport Rule Agent                               True            3
DLP Policy Agent                                   True            4
Retention Policy Agent                             True            5
Supervisory Review Agent                           True            6
Malware Agent                                      True            7
Text Messaging Routing Agent                       True            8
Text Messaging Delivery Agent                      True            9
System Probe Drop Smtp Agent                       True            10
System Probe Drop Routing Agent                    True            11

Exchange Server also has a number of filters that are processed in a different order and logged in different log files. I would like to find out which logfiles are written before the ESET filter? Regardless of what happens to a mail afterwards.

Thx in advance & Bye Tom

Bildschirmfoto 2020-11-30 um 15.51.34.png

Bildschirmfoto 2020-11-26 um 11.16.28.png

  • ESET Staff


try using Get-TransportPipeline command, that will give you better information about the order in which the agents are actually called.

Get-TransportAgent shows an overall priority, it is applied separately for every event that Exchange processes during email transport.

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