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Clarity on Question about Malwarebytes


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I have been a avis user of ESET NOS 32 for years- best out there IMHO.

Question- should I run a Malware program such as Malware Bytes or does ESET 32 Nod cover any of those threats?

Thanks for the help

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You should avoid installing two or more AVs with real-time protections. You can install another AV alongside ESET as a second-opinion on-demand scanner, however, make sure that it has real-time protection disabled and no drivers loaded.

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Thank you- So are you suggesting that I would be better protected with Malwarebytes along with ESET or would be it be overkill.

Just trying to stay protected the best I can with more time spent on the computer these days.

Thanks for the reply Marcos!!!


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4 minutes ago, FlaBirm said:

So are you suggesting that I would be better protected with Malwarebytes along with ESET or would be it be overkill.

The reply was to use MBAM w/real-time protection disabled and only for on-demand scanning.

Assuming you're using Win 10, you already have this second option AV off-line scanner option available w/o having to purchase/install MBAM, Just enable Windows Defender Periodic scanning option via Window Security Center settings.

Since your original question was do you need to install additional security protection when Eset is installed, my answer is no. I do recommend that Eset Internet Security be used versu NOD32.

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Excellent !!!

That is is what I have been looking for- clarity on this subject!!

Another reason why Eset is really good- the support system is great!


In terms of the Este security system vs Nod32 , why is the "system " better?



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8 minutes ago, FlaBirm said:

In terms of the Eset security system vs Nod32 , why is the "system " better?

Unlike ESET NOD32 Antivirus, ESET Internet Security and ESET Smart Security Premium also contain the Network protection module which is able to block brute-force RDP attacks among others which is one of the common vectors how attackers can log into your machine, disable antivirus protection and run ransomware.

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