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Future changes to ESET PROTECT (cloud)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the Vulnerability addition. I already found one program I wasn't tracking that was out of date and had vulnerabilities. We use PDQ for auditing and software/patch management. It would be nice to run the vulnerability scan on demand. This way I can bring up a computer that isn't turned on very often, update it completely then run a vulnerability scan to update the data on the Vulnerability pane in Protect. As it is now, the vulnerability pane has a lot of stale information. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Description: Active session doesn't timeout

Detail: Numerous times I've had my session time out and return to the login screen while I was working. It just did it to me again, timing out literally two seconds after I clicked a checkbox to select a computer to push an update. Very frustrating! It appears there is a timeout, which is understandable, but not if I'm actively doing something.

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  • Administrators
3 minutes ago, LesRMed said:

Description: Active session doesn't timeout

Detail: Numerous times I've had my session time out and return to the login screen while I was working. It just did it to me again, timing out literally two seconds after I clicked a checkbox to select a computer to push an update. Very frustrating! It appears there is a timeout, which is understandable, but not if I'm actively doing something.

Please raise a support ticket for investigation of the issue. This is definitely not intentional behavior that the active session is ended while you are working with the console.

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There isn't enough detail displayed for firewall detections

For example, when a duplicate IP is reported the detection doesn't show any MAC addresses and I need it to show both to troubleshoot the problem. The endpoint has this information but it would be useful to be able to get this information from the console so it can be troubleshooted right away. The same for ARP detections

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  • 4 weeks later...


It would be nice to fix some missing datas to use in reports or in dynamic group templates.
For example, it's not possible to list blocked USB devices grouped by computer name and displaying serial number in reports.
Like it's not possible to select some error categories in dynamic group template

But the best option to develop is maybe pushing more informations in the client GUI about the agent communication, licence information (to see quickly if it's a cloud licence or on prem one), push notifications when the agent communication is lost to help the support team to identify devices to fix, show the number of vulnerabilities in the security report view, ...

There is also a lot of things to do/fix with the AD Sync tool :

  • Especially the config.json file which is wrong On line 31 The correct field to retrieve SID is : objectSID not objectGUID
  • SID translation is also lacking since On Prem to Cloud migration, it was helpful to read custom advanced web filter rules
  • Group SID seems to be deprecated too.
  • There is no more alert by email or whatever when an AD sync with a static group is broken
  • Create an rss flow to be aware of new versions and about the changes


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  • 3 weeks later...

It would be highly beneficial to be able to review module updates in depth from the dashboard. I envision an individual view as well as a collective/group view to be able to see what users are on which versions of what modules. This would also serve to support any infosec requests and the like that clients may have for the company using ESET products.

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  • 1 month later...

Currently when you click on Details / Hardware for a computer object in ESET Protect Cloud, if the computer has multiple hard drives, it lists the drives, but it lists free space as 'Aggregated Free Space'.

It would be much more useful if this listed the individual drives free space.

One of my clients has a 256GB SSD & a 1TB HDD. I received an alert on the weekend 'There is not enough free disk space available' but when I check on ESET Protect it tells me there is 'Aggregated Free Space' of 600GB.

Of course I can assume the 256GB drive is full, but this morning I don't know if the user has already fixed the problem or not. It would be much better to have free space listed for each drive detected.

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  • 1 month later...

Description: Streamline licensing and ESET components
Detail: Too many components and licensing is cumbersome. Currently, we have three cloud consoles (EP, EI, EBA) to manage all functionality. We have two agent installs (macOS and Win), two EI Connector installs (macOS and Win), three AV installs (macOS, Win desktop, Win Server). We need separate hosts and installs for RD Sensor, another install for the Bridge and another install for the Active Directory Scanner. All with constant updates, etc.

Major competitors use a single agent install that can have any functionality enabled or disabled as needed. So much simpler to manage versus these myriad components.

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  • ESET Staff
21 hours ago, j-gray said:

Description: Streamline licensing and ESET components
Detail: Too many components and licensing is cumbersome. Currently, we have three cloud consoles (EP, EI, EBA) to manage all functionality. We have two agent installs (macOS and Win), two EI Connector installs (macOS and Win), three AV installs (macOS, Win desktop, Win Server). We need separate hosts and installs for RD Sensor, another install for the Bridge and another install for the Active Directory Scanner. All with constant updates, etc.

Major competitors use a single agent install that can have any functionality enabled or disabled as needed. So much simpler to manage versus these myriad components.

Thank you very much for your valuable feedback. I absolutely agree with you. It is our goal to improve this situation and have all necessary components and tools in one installer/agent, with components enabled based on your license.

Currently, we are making efforts to introduce more improvements that enhance the experience of easily enabling additional protection layers. We are striving to achieve this through an installer that installs all components based on your license across all platforms. By expanding ESET Solutions, we allow for the easy enablement of additional protection layers via a context menu over a single computer or groups of computers. The license is preselected automatically, and everything necessary is enabled or installed on the endpoint.

We also aim to expand a dedicated section in the menu titled "ESET Solutions" where we are adding support for more and more protection layers. In this section, it is easy to distinguish where a protection layer is enabled and where it is missing.
If a customer does not have a sufficient license, they can request a trial and try an additional protection layer like LiveGuard directly from this section.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators

To upgrade Endpoint to the latest version, use the "Check for product update" task:


While it's possible to use a software install task as well (even without selecting a license), we don't recommend that since a complete uninstallation and installation from scratch this way is prone to potential issues with installation.

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  • Marcos changed the title to Future changes to ESET PROTECT (cloud)

Description: Add a Client Task option for Product Updates with the ability to select version and without the requirement to assign licence.

Detail: There is currently a Client Task option for Module Updates, Operating System Update, Agent Upgrade but no option for Product Update.

This would be very helpful both for MSP's and large organisations that want to control the installation of product updates to groups of computers at a time. For example to be able to assign the update to an initial group for testing, and then to subsequent groups as part of a staged rollout. Doing this with a single task created and then assigning new Triggers to this task as needed is the simplest method to achieve this.

Yes there is the Software Install option but this requires assigning licences so if you have multiple customers this becomes unnecessarily time consuming. This task also does a full uninstall / reinstall of the product which can lead to further complications and failures.

Yes there is also the 'Check for product update' task but this only works from v10.1 and requires 'Common Features' policies to be created for each group to restrict what version you want to update to and seems to be somewhat unreliable as experienced in the following thread. This method is a lot more complicated and time consuming as it requires creating multiple policies to apply to multiple groups and/or adding/removing policies.

Having a Product Update task that allows us to specify version and doesn't require specifying licences would just be so much easier and simpler.

This would also be much simpler when you want to install an update now, and not wait for a policy to kick in some time over the next hour or two (or never). For example when doing server updates. 

Edited by ShaneDT
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The software install task does not require a license to be selected. Only selecting a package is mandatory but not license:


As to why the auto-update policy is not working for you, I'd recommend raising a support ticket for investigation. Most likely a policy that forces the setting to turn off is applied.

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2 minutes ago, Marcos said:

The software install task does not require a license to be selected. Only selecting a package is mandatory but not license:


As to why the auto-update policy is not working for you, I'd recommend raising a support ticket for investigation. Most likely a policy that forces the setting to turn off is applied.

OK, so if I don't select a licence, and apply this task across multiple customer computers that are already licenced, it won't screw up their licence or activations?

It still leaves the problem of this being a full uninstall / reinstall, which is more likely to end up with complications or failures.

So again having the ability to do a Product Update as a Task would be very useful and much simpler.

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Please remember that this topic is not intended for discussions, otherwise it would get cluttered and posts with actual suggestions would be lost in the discussions. Discussions should be held outside of this "Future changes" topic.

1, If no license is selected, the existing license will be used and de-activation / re-activation won't be performed
2, Let's have technical support check troublesome cloud instanced of ESET PROTECT to find out why the auto-update task doesn't work as expected.

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Sorry Marcos I'm not the one that keeps turning this into a discussion?

I'm simply submitting a feature request which I think I've provided pretty clear reasons for why it would be a benefit.

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Description: Display individual hard drive free space in Details / Hardware.

Detail: Currently when you click on Details / Hardware for a computer object in ESET Protect Cloud, if the computer has multiple hard drives, it lists the drives, but it lists free space as 'Aggregated Free Space'.

It would be much more useful if this listed the individual drives free space.

One of my clients has a 256GB SSD & a 1TB HDD. I received an alert on the weekend 'There is not enough free disk space available' but when I check on ESET Protect it tells me there is 'Aggregated Free Space' of 600GB.

Of course I can assume the 256GB drive is full, but this morning I don't know if the user has already fixed the problem or not. It would be much better to have free space listed for each drive detected.

Yes I posted this above but figure I'd post it again as again today I had a situation where this would have been very useful. Customer has a computer with a failed motherboard and I need to quote them a replacement. When last connected to ESET there was a 2TB USB drive connected as well as the 256GB SSD. So I wanted to check what the usage was on the SSD so I know whether to quote a new PC with 256 or 512. But of course ESET tells me aggregated usage which includes the 2TB USB. So now I'll have to remove the old hard drive, find a USB dock, and do it the hard way. ESET could have saved me maybe 15-30mins of time here.

Really the 'Aggregated Free Space' is really useless information when you think about it.

Please can we have free space separately for each drive connected.

Edited by ShaneDT
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  • 5 months later...

The ability to generate multiple "reports" into a single document for a specific access group.


I'm not quite used to generate reports, but I find it very tedious to generate multiple reports for each "Access group".

Last 30 days of scan, firewall events, latest detections, etc all needs to be edited to add the Access group, then renamed. After that, we must generate each report for each access group, then merge them with a PDF merger.

Maybe there is a better way we didn't find/noticed ?

Also, the MDR report template, which includes more information (more individual reports), which is a good start for what we would like, is only available for _all_ access groups and cannot be copied or generated for a single one.



Of course, as soon as I post this, I find we can generate a Server-side task to generate multiple reports :) Oh, well ! <3


Edited by Decker2124
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