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ESET license Cancelled

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I bought a couple of weeks ago a license for 15 endpoints and today I receive an email saying that it was cancelled. I logged into the portal and indeed says it's cancelled. Can someone explain why this happened?

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I was able to find only 2 trial license (EFDE for ECA and Endpoint+File Security) registered to you forum email address. Both are still valid and are going to expire in 7 days.

If you have actually purchased a license, please contact the seller.

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The CFO buys them at the ESET portal sends me the key and I add it. I even add it again and it says license suspended even though when I add it the receives an email to confirm.

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Please provide the public ID of the license. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to contact the seller since only they know the reason for suspending the license.

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3 hours ago, Raul_ariv said:

The CFO buys them at the ESET portal sends me the key and I add it.

Since the CFO is the license purchaser, he should be the one contacting Eset directly about the issue.

One possibility is he ended up on a phished web site selling bogus Eset license keys. Corp execs. are notorious for not following their own corp. security directives.🙄

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