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Dear Eset,

I have set the firewall to interactive mode and blocked most of the apps from using the Internet. The Host Process for windows services is using  a lot of my Internet Bandwidth and as a result my daily limit depletes in a few mins and im left with no bandwidth. Even if i blocked the "host process for windows services " with create rule and remember eset is displaying the same firewall notification frequently. I need to block that process completely from using my Internet. Please guide me.

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You can create blocking rules for http and https and put them on the top of the built-in rules that are hidden by default. However, all http(s) communication will be blocked then.

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I know there is a low bandwidth option for windows 10 but not sure if it is just related to windows updates. Turning this on could possibly help but not sure

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@Marcos @peteytIt seems the problem has resolved for now. But still i need to block the "Host process for windows" services when ever the pc gets connected to internet. 

Meanwhile i removed EIS and installed Kaspersky Internet security. And in when  i blocked all microsoft services from connecting to the internet the problem became even worse. Even Google chrome and Firefox couldn't connect to the internet (they were allowed in the firewall settings). 

Atleast this doesn't happen with ESET.😊


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Via Win 10 Settings, select Network & Internet -> Status.

The following will be displayed showing Network usage for the last 30 days:


Next, mouse click on Data Usage tab.

On the Data usage screen, mouse click on Enter limit tab and set a limit there:


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It appears the excessive data usage is being caused by Connected Devices Platform Service, CDPUserSvc.

The best way probably to resolve this is to set the service to Manual startup as shown in this linked article unless the following applies:


Therefore, it is our recommendation that if you don’t use Xbox Live or any other Bluetooth devices with the computer regularly, you should disable the service.


Also, the above makes no reference to the other Connected Devices Platform Service that exists and is referenced in OP's screen shot, CDPUserSvc_4618b. Note that this service on my Win 10 build is named differently than the OP's. My Win ver. is 2004.

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On 8/8/2020 at 1:28 AM, govind said:

But still i need to block the "Host process for windows" services when ever the pc gets connected to internet. 

If the above setting of Connected Devices Platform Service/s  setting to Manual startup still is not sufficient to reduce bandwidth usage, you can create an Eset firewall to block outbound TCP traffic for the service.


Note: On your device, this service will be named CDPUserSvc_4618b. It will be located near the bottom of the Service scroll list.

Microsoft Technet has a long posting on what this service does: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/c165a54a-4a69-441c-94a7-b5712b54385d/what-is-the-cdpusersvc-for-?forum=win10itprogeneral . What I "gleened" from the discussion was that disabling CDPUserSvc also shuts down the CDPUserSvc_4618b service from starting. Also in the discussion is this second CDPUserSvc service can dynamically change names making a Eset firewall rule ineffective in monitoring its outbound network traffic.

Edited by itman
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Thanks @itman and @Marcos for your suggestions.

Will try each one of them.

And this is why i had been a user of ESET products since the version 2. 0

Reliability and Quality of support. 😎🙏👌

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