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Mirror Tool - Cannot load library

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I'm unable to download either something from the Repository or Modules updates.
Error: Cannot load library

Internet connection is not (FW) blocked. (works on a W10 machine in the same LAN)
Mirrortool.exe & updater.dll are in the same folder.

OS: Windows Server 2019 with latest updates.
Language: EN
VS2010 & VS2015 installed.
MirrorTool: v.1.0.1149.0

Any help would be great.



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  • ESET Staff

Unfortunately it seems that VS dependencies are probably not correctly mentioned in ESMC 7.2 documentation -> I would expect that runtime libraries Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 for x86 platform are required to run latest MirrorTool. Could you please confirm?

If it won't help, could you please capture failed startup using ProcMon utility which is part of SysInternals suite?

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  • Administrators

Just in case, make sure to use the 32-bit updater.dll that is enclosed in the zip file. The ESET install folder contains updater.dll too but it's 64-bit on your OS while the mirror tool is a 32-bit application.

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C:\ESET\updater.dll doesn't exist:

21:59:49,2630290    21:59:49,2630528    00:01:48.3802943    0.0000238    MirrorTool.exe    9564    1080    CreateFile    C:\ESET\updater.dll    NAME NOT FOUND    Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a    MirrorTool.exe  --mirrorType regular --intermediateUpdateDirectory C:\ESET\mirror_temp --offlineLicenseFilename EP_AV.lf --outputDirectory C:\ESET\mirror_final    9388    ESET    ESET Mirror Tool

Please make sure to copy updater.dll from the zip package to c:\eset.


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4 minutes ago, Marcos said:

Just in case, make sure to use the 32-bit updater.dll that is enclosed in the zip file. The ESET install folder contains updater.dll too but it's 64-bit on your OS while the mirror tool is a 32-bit application.

I'm using the dll from the downloaded "win32.zip" file.

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9 minutes ago, Marcos said:

C:\ESET\updater.dll doesn't exist:

21:59:49,2630290    21:59:49,2630528    00:01:48.3802943    0.0000238    MirrorTool.exe    9564    1080    CreateFile    C:\ESET\updater.dll    NAME NOT FOUND    Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a    MirrorTool.exe  --mirrorType regular --intermediateUpdateDirectory C:\ESET\mirror_temp --offlineLicenseFilename EP_AV.lf --outputDirectory C:\ESET\mirror_final    9388    ESET    ESET Mirror Tool

Please make sure to copy updater.dll from the zip package to c:\eset.


I've copied & pasted the win32.zip via RDP into the server.
Extracted on the server and... it works now.
Previously i've always copied & pasted the exe + dll via RDP and received that library error.

Strange, anyway...thanks for that quick help! 

Edited by HSeber
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