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When I try to add my serial to the LICENSE MANAGER, It asks me to enter my details, and the E-mail field can't be typed, It is require for activate.

I tried to open this site on my iPhone and other browsers but without success.


Anyone can help me?




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  • ESET Moderators

Hello @Av1,

I would first try to activate the license directly via the ESET Security product, it might help.

If not please send me a private message with a reference to this forum topic with details about the license so we can try to reproduce the issue here.


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1 hour ago, Peter Randziak said:

I would first try to activate the license directly via the ESET Security product, it might help.


I found this one out "the hard way." All myEset does is record and keep track of existing used; i.e. activated, licenses.

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  • ESET Moderators

Hello @Av1,

my colleague was able to reproduce the issue you described so he filed a bug report (P_ME-3376) for our devs to fix.

Thank you for reporting this to us.


We apologize for the inconvenience caused,


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  • 2 weeks later...


I see that the eset license manager email box bug still exists (Can't add email address).

When it's supposed to be fixed ?

Thank you

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 If you can not enter the email address in the E-mail address box,please click in the phone number box, then press the key "Tab" on your keyboard. This way you can enter your email

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