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I Am Fed Up With The Eset Forum Website


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Of late, I keep getting weird errors when I try to post replies. Most pronounced is insertion of screen shot attachments where I receive nonsense notifications about Invalid_URL and the like. My screen shots are all stored on my Windows desktop.

I am tired of wasting my time trying to get my postings to take on this forum. Fix this nonsense or I will find another AV forum to spend my time helping out.

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I got a weird invalided url thing the other day and had just posted text nothing else

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Before we can deal with particular issues we need to learn about them first. While I noticed this issue about 2 days for the first time, it was more-less random and since nobody else has reported it here, I was trying to find the common pattern and troubleshoot it further. Now that we've learned that more of you have run into it as well, we have reported it to the forum provider to look into it and fix the issue.

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I got some INVALID_URL while trying to include an image in the post.

I used to remove the image from the post and keep it as attachment so I could workaround it and post the image.

It started to happen since I noticed "Request KB Update" on all posts , maybe since that change.

Edited by Nightowl
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Additional strange forum posting behavior is when I try to edit one of posts where the Invalid_URL appears, upon saving that posting the entire posting is deleted. If I then hit FireFox's refresh icon, the original posting reappears.

Also if I try to delete the attached screen shot via trash can option, the attachment magically reappears upon further editing of the posting.

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This issue might also be related to this "Request KB Update" option that mysteriously appeared on a thread posting.

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A small fix has been applied to one of the plug-ins we use (not related to the above mentioned option) and it appears to have fixed the issue for me. Please confirm.

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