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BSoD since Upgrade to Win 10 2004


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since Upgrade to Windows 10 2004 with my Acer 5740G there are BSoDs during the idle scan. If I don't use my Notebook, after 10 Minutes there's n BSoD. All drivers are Windows own drivers, so I can exclude these as the reason for BSoD. It seems that the idle scan of NOD 32 is the reason why.

NOD 32 V

Please could you fix this Problem.

Attached: MiniDump Evaluation


Anmerkung 2020-06-09 222013.png

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Please configure Windows to generate complete or active memory dumps as per https://support.eset.com/en/kb380-how-do-i-generate-a-memory-dump-manually. After a crash occurs and a memory dump has been generated, compress it, upload it to a safe location and drop me a personal message with a download link to the dump.

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