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System freeze on initial scan W10 2004 update

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I just tried to install ESET IS after updating to W10 2004. The initial scan started as usual, but keeps getting stuck when scanning Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension_1.0.31072.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe\x86\maheif_store.dll (there may be a typo in there, possibly msheif instead of maheif). Eventually the CPU usage and disk access drop to 0% and the system freezes. Attempting a restart or shutdown also results in a freeze. I can't seem to get past scanning this one item. I attempted 2 installs, both ended with this result.

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30 minutes ago, blackice said:

The initial scan started as usual, but keeps getting stuck when scanning Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension_1.0.31072.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe\x86\maheif_store.dll (there may be a typo in there, possibly msheif instead of maheif).

Create a performance scan exclusion for this file entry per the below screen shot. Hopefully, this is the only item Eset initial scan hangs on:


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Unfortunately since it’s for a windows app I can’t get access past the windows app folder for the file path. I’d rather not bypass the whole folder.

Edit: I attempted to exclude the whole folder for the initial scan. Despite excluding it the Windows Apps folder this file is causing a crash.

Edited by blackice
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18 minutes ago, blackice said:

Unfortunately since it’s for a windows app I can’t get access past the windows app folder for the file path. I’d rather not bypass the whole folder.

That's odd. Enter the full path name manually then; e.g.


Edited by itman
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Also appears this app's actual path is

C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension_8wekyb3d8bbwe\...... ; at least on Win 10 Home ver. 1909 it is. It is also an optional Win Store download. This makes what you are showing for ver. 2004 a bit suspicious. But who knows? Maybe MS made it mandatory in ver. 2004? Or perhaps you installed it previously?

Edited by itman
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So I was trying to beat the initial scan, which has already loaded the exclusions while the first update is happening. If I cancel the scan I have time to enter the whole file path before the scan starts. I did notice this as well, I cannot uninstall the HEIF Extension app anymore. That was my next course of action. I will see what the case is, as it is strange. So I cancelled the initial scan, added the path by hand, and then started a new scan. It seems to take the exclusion and is running fine. I had added the HEIF Image Extension app a long time ago in 1909, but I don't think I had ESET installed at the time. That app data folder in 2004 is mostly empty now.

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3 minutes ago, blackice said:

That app data folder in 2004 is mostly empty now.

Then the HEIF Image Extension app is not installed. This explains why you can't uninstall it.

This directory, Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension_1.0.31072.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe, appears to be related to your prior ver. 1909 Win Store installation. You should be able to remove it manually using PowerShell: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-windows_store/how-to-manually-uninstall-a-store-app/963863e4-4c0b-4565-af90-f5bc7ecf3f47


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If you are able to reproduce it, would it be possible to create a dump of ekrn when the issue occurs? If that's not possible, try to get a complete or active memory dump as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/en/kb380-how-do-i-generate-a-memory-dump-manually.

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9 minutes ago, Marcos said:

If you are able to reproduce it,

Should be able to duplicate by simply installing HEIF Image Extensions from Win Store: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/heif-image-extensions/9pmmsr1cgpwg?activetab=pivot:overviewtab  . It's a freebee. Then scan its app directory entry.


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Thanks itman, very useful information as usual. Due to a couple other quirks I’m just going to try a clean install of 2004 to expedite things.

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