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On one of my laptops the Eset process constantly uses 16% of my CPU (Intel 8750H 16 GByte, 500 GByte Samsung NVMe) at idle.

If I temporarily  disable firewall and protection this does not change.

If I uninstall Eset Smart Security Premium and drop back to Windows Security idle system CPU usage is around 1%

In order to track this down i have done a clean install of windows from USB media and re installed the various applications  I need for my work.

The high CPU usage does not happen on my other laptop or PC but these have much less stuff installed.

What would be the best way to figure out what is causing the Eset process to work so hard?






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Please carry on as follows:

1, In the advanced setup -> Tools -> Diagnostics enable advanced oper. system logging.
2, Reproduce the issue. Disable logging after 20-30s.
3, Provide logs collected with ESET Log Collector as well as C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Security\Diagnostics\EsetPerf.etl (compressed).

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Thanks Marcos,

I found out what the problem was.

During my recent installs of v13 I have enabled detection of potentially unwanted applications (thinking that it was a good thing to do)

Turns out in my case this causes a sustained 16% CPU usage which I guess may be dependent on the particular applications I have installed.

I have proven this to be the problem by manually enabling and disabling the setting to confirm the change in CPU use.

With it disabled my idle CPU usage is back at 1%.

I am happy to leave this disabled given the negative system impact.

If you don't consider this normal behaviour I can still do the logging if you guys (Eset) want to look at what is happening.






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Was a particular PUA actually detected? Did you exclude some PUA from detection? If no PUA was detected then disabling PUA detection should not have any impact on performance. Normally enabling PUA detection doesn't affect performance, the only exception is uTorrent.

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I did not notice any alerts and I have installed and uninstalled Smart Security maybe 6 times in the past week trying to resolve this.

All settings were default at this stage.

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Please try to reproduce the issue and provide an advanced operating system log for perusal. We would like to look into the issue.

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I went to recreate this (enable detection of potentially unwanted applications) and the cpu usage did not rise.

After further investigation it appears that the after disabling this and restarting the laptop Outlook had also disabled the Eset plugin (because it slowed Outlook from starting). i.e. two changes happened without me being aware of it.

If I re-enable the Outlook plugin cpu usage immediately goes back to 16%.

So my problem was not PUA detection but the Outlook plugin.

Sorry about the misinformation.

Any thoughts on the outlook plugin high cpu usage?

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How many emails do you have approximately directly in inbox (ie. not in subfolders)? Does the issue persist after a longer time since installing ESET? Right after installation, the plugin goes through all emails in inbox and writes information about the scan which may take some time.

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The in boxes are very large (several thousand emails) and there are 2 one POP and one IMAP

I let it run for many hours but it must be too much to process.

I will try to make them smaller but will disable the plugin for now.

Thanks for your help.

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  • Administrators

It shouldn't take hours even with thousands of emails in inbox. However, to find out the root cause the issue would have to investigated using a logging version of the plug-in. Please contact ESET Australia for further assistance with troubleshooting; a ticket will need to be created to track the issue.

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  • 1 year later...
  • ESET Moderators

Hello @MrSmith,

the new Outlook plugin designed to resolve issues reported is available in BETA, details are available at https://forum.eset.com/topic/31777-new-outlook-plugin-beta/


If possible can you please try how it behaves with it and let us know?

Thank you, Peter

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