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Consumo de disco al 100% (100% disc utilization)


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Hola siempre e confiado en eset y familiares me han regalado claves y he comprado en físico, y todo me ha ido bien, tengo una laptop HP Probook 4530s intel core i5 2410m intel HD Graphics 3000 y es muy buena y todo, solo le cambié el disco duro porque se estropeó es un seagate de 320gb es nuevo y tiene unos meses, tengo windows 8.1 y todo me va bien y no me pasaba el consumo del disco al 100%, desde que instalé el eset me dio ese problema, el eset no está analizando nada y ni buscando actualizaciones y miro en el administrador de tareas que se usa al 100% el disco, y al jugar american truck simulator me da unos pegones, (y no creo que sean mis componentes internos porque muchas veces me da muy fluido por hasta 1 hora) me salgo del juego y miro que el eset consume 100% de disco y ni analiza ni busca actualización, la mayoría de veces el disco solo consume 1% 4% 14% y es cuando uso internet y uso normal. Pero lo que me centro es que al momento de jugar lo pongo en modo jugador y sucede lo del disco y solo el eset me consume el disco, aparte que a veces en uso normal como 4 o 5 veces el disco se esfuerza al 100% por el eset en uso normal, y como siempre no está buscando actualizacion ni analizando el disco. Para mi no creo que sea lo del tiempo real porque eso es lento y no lo noto.

Aparte es muy incomodo porque al ser laptop está cerca del touchpad el disco y no puedo jugar tanto porque al poner la mano  está muy caliente el disco alcanza hasta temperaturas de 45, 44, y hasta 50 grado!! aunque es un disco de 7200rpm y es calenton el maximo que soporta son 60 grados. No me preocupo tanto porque el sistema ejecuta rapidísimo y el disco es nuevo, y pues soporta hasta 60 jaja pero es feo jugar el american truck simulator, porque el monton de juegos que tengo no sucede eso, solo pocas veces. Agradezco de antemano su ayuda !! Yo confío en eset porque es de lo mas sencillo y de los mejores!!


Machine translation:

I have always trusted eset and relatives have given me keys and I have bought in physical, and everything went well, I have an HP Probook 4530s intel core i5 2410m intel HD Graphics 3000 laptop and it is very good and everything, I just changed the hard drive because it was damaged is a 320gb seagate is new and is a few months old, I have windows 8.1 and everything is going well for me and the disk consumption did not pass 100%, since I installed the eset it gave me that problem, the eset did not It is analyzing nothing and not looking for updates and I look in the task manager that the disk is used 100%, and when playing american truck simulator it gives me a few sticks, (and I do not think they are my internal components because many times it gives me very fluid for up to 1 hour) I quit the game and see that the eset consumes 100% of the disk and neither analyzes nor searches for an update, most of the time the disk only consumes 1% 4% 14% and that is when I use the internet and normal use. But what I focus on is that when I play I put it in player mode and the disk happens and only the eset consumes the disk, apart from sometimes in normal use such as 4 or 5 times the disk tries 100% to eset in normal use, and as always it is not looking for an update or analyzing the disk. For me I don't think it's real time because that's slow and I don't notice it.

Besides, it is very uncomfortable because the laptop is close to the touchpad, the disc and I cannot play so much because when I put my hand, the disc reaches temperatures of 45, 44, and up to 50 degrees! Although it is a 7200rpm disc and it is hot, the maximum it supports is 60 degrees. I do not worry so much because the system runs very fast and the disk is new, and it supports up to 60 haha but it is ugly to play the American truck simulator, because the lot of games I have does not happen that, only rarely. I appreciate your help in advance !! I trust eset because it is the simplest and the best !!




Edited by Marcos
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  • Marcos changed the title to Consumo de disco al 100% (100% disc utilization)
  • Administrators

Since this is an English forum, we kindly ask you to post in English so that moderators and other users can understand and help you.

Please carry on as follows:
- in the advanced setup -> tools -> diagnostics, enable advanced operating system logging
- reproduce the issue with hdd utilization
- after 20-30s of logging, disable it
- provide logs collected with ESET Log Collector. Provide also C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Security\Diagnostics\EsetPerf.etl in a compressed form.

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Hello, I hope you are well, I really apologize for the Spanish language. I looked at the advanced registry of the operating system on the eset website and it is only available in windows 10, and I looked for it in my antivirus and it does not appear. Anyway, thank you!! Besides, I look on the internet that there is no Spanish translation of the help site, or I don't know how to change it ... haha

Edited by Alex08
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