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ESET Endpoint Security does a FULL C: scan after every virus databas eupdate


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Since when did Endpoint Security run a full C scan after every virus database update? I updates recently to 7.2.2055.0 and I'm pretty sure that previous versions did some sort of quick scan (probably only running processes, etc). I noticed some time ago that ekrn.exe was using cpu for a long time, I just confirmed with Process Monitor that after every virus database update it does a FULL 😄 scan, going through every folder. What is really anoying is that it takes about 50 minutes at my PC to finish (Visual Studio, SQL Management Studio, lots of iso/zip files in subfolders on desktop, Thunderbird with many GB of mail messages), so lots of unpacking and creating temp files in C:\Windows\Temp\NODxxxx.tmp. I have SSD drive so it's a LOT of write cycles to it (SSD have limited write cycles).

Edited by kapela86
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Most likely you have scheduled a scan task that is run after a module update. There is no such task created by default.

Please provide logs collected with ESET Log Collector.

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Where did you download ESET Log Collector from? I'm asking since you've used version 3.2 while the latest one is 4.0 and the exported configuration doesn't include applied policy settings.

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in Endpoint Security I clicked on Help -> ESET Log Collector, it opened https://support.eset.com/pl/kb3466-jak-uzyc-narzedzia-eset-log-collector and there i clicked on Pobierz ESET Log Collector


I switched to english version of that website and from there downloaded

I attached logs from this version


Forgot to say that I found task that is responsible for this scan after definition update and changed it to run only once in 12 hours. Also I noticed that it says to scan "Commonly (or Frequently) used files". But I saw that it goes through Program Data, Users, both Program Files and Wwindows folders. And I don't think it's applied from policy, I think it's built in.


Edited by kapela86
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