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EraServerSvc service keep crashing

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Dear all!

Our era server is operation at a virtual windows server 2012 r2, with 16 gb ram. The server has Version 6.5 (6.5.522.0) (Web Console),  has Version 6.5 (6.5.388.0). We have Connected Clients: 228. Some time to time something is going worng and the EraServerSvc starts crashing for days-weeks, running couple of hours and then stops (we have mointoring systems reporting this).

I set the log level at web console (server settings\advanced settings) from warning to trace, but if the server crashed, the logs are missing. Windows event log only says, the EraServerSvc service stopped unexpectedly, this was the x time (well thanks!...).

I leed all other logs using this help topic: https://help.eset.com/era_install/65/en-US/log_file.html  but no usefull info found at any log file.

What can i do to solve this problem?

Any idea would be nice.

Thank you


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  • Administrators

First of all, please upgrade to ESMC 7.1. by sending an ERA component upgrade task to the machine with the ERA server installed. After upgrade, send the task also to all clients to upgrade agent to the latest version. If you don't have Endpoint 7.2 installed on clients, upgrade it eventually via a software install task as well.

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performed tried to perform a full backup, started upgrade task, it was succesfull, i see no changes. I do server reboot, run task again, still nothing changed. No error.

followed this: https://help.eset.com/era_admin/65/en-US/client_tasks_upgrade_components.html and this: https://help.eset.com/era_install/65/en-US/components_upgrade.html article. What am i doing wrong? Or what am i missing?

Where should i dig?

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  • ESET Staff

Just for verification, creation of upgrade components task requires you to specify "target" version -> have you chosen 7.1?

It is also possible to use ESMC 7.1 bootstapper (all in one installer) downloadable from ESET web: since latest version it offers upgrade of all main components, including Server, Webconsole and Apache Tomcat.

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I missclicked, today i did the server upgrade, it went okay. So now i think we are waiting if it crashes again.

Edited by petersonal
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