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Error during dashboard manipulation has occurred.

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After suffering a system failure which took out the ESMC server, I had to install ESMC on a different server and after getting the appropriate things squared, I installed the all in one on a Windows 2012R2 system.  Clicked on Ok by mistake and completely missed the URL for the webconsole.

Anyway, after much searching I found it; but, upon logging in, and skimming through the welcome screens, the dashboard tries to load; but I eventually get the error "Error during dashboard has occurred".

I click on OK, and am back on the screen but I've noticed that all the icons are missing. ;/   Just the text is available.  I then try to go into the Server settings, but that managed to kill the ESMC instance as I'm booted out and can no longer go to the webconsole.

I'm scanning the Server logs (those in the EraServerApplicationData), but I'm seeing some 'forcibly closed' messages.  Tomcat has no logs stating why it's crashing.  At least, not in the apache-tomcat-<??>/logs dir or in the Tomcat/logs dir.

However, in the Event Viewer, I'm seeing "The Apache Tomcat 9.0 service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 1 time(s)."  Later on, I see another entry.

That said, I'm suspecting I need to do a reboot as in the Event Viewer, I'm seeing a bunch of "Apache Tomcat terminating unexpectedly interspersed with some GPO warnings.



Edited by ewong
Adding the end part.
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Well, ended up the problem was twofold:

1) Java path was there, except not complete.  Was missing some files.

2) Required a reboot.


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