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Error Creating temporary file

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Hello Dear Support

I have faced with this error "Error Creating temporary file" and i did "delete windows\temp" and "Delete user\temp" and "using clear cache" and "rollback update" and "Finally reinstall endpoint" but my problem does not solved.


what can i do??


Best regards



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Does the issue occur if you delete the content of C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Security\mirror and then run update to create the mirror from scratch?

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On 2/5/2020 at 5:09 AM, hamed_masoomi67 said:

I can not delete the mirror folder and says permeation denied.

This file must only exist in the Endpoint vers.. As such, I can't view what permissions are assigned to it. Did you try to temporarily assign yourself with full admin privileges to the file?

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Dear friend

The folder(temprory for eset updates) is protected by endpoint and it doesnt let you to delete the folder.i checked it's permittion and it has full admin permittion.

This is endpoint security for client and we use it for collecting updates and copy them to our offline server.it works about 1 year properly and suddenly this problem(error creating temp file) shown.

Best regards




Edited by hamed_masoomi67
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Please try the following:
1, Temporarily disable self-defense and reboot the computer, then run update to update the content of the mirror. Does it work?
2, Try changing the mirror folder to c:\mirror for instance. Does it work?

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