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Why is there no in program update to 32 bit EIS 13.0.24?

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On my 64 bit laptop, i was able to update EIS from 13.0.22 to 13.0.24 using the 'update' option within the program. However on my 32 bit desktop, there's no update available to 13.0.24 if going through the 'update' option. I had to manually download 13.0.24 and install that over 13.0.22. Which begs the question, why are updates to 64 bit & 32 bit versions treated differently? 


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8 hours ago, itman said:

As far as I am aware of, Eset fully supports both Win 32 and 64 bit versions.

Thanks. Yes I'm aware of that but my question was: why on my 64 bit version of EIS 13.0.22 i was able to update to 13.0.24 using the 'update' option within the software, but was unable to do the same for the 32 bit version on a different PC? Not a huge issue, as I manually downloaded the 32 bit version of 13.0.24 and just installed that over 13.0.22 but i'm curious to know why in program updates to the 64 & 32 bit versions are treated differently.

Edited by psychopomp1
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4 hours ago, psychopomp1 said:

Thanks. Yes I'm aware of that but my question was: why on my 64 bit version of EIS 13.0.22 i was able to update to 13.0.24 using the 'update' option within the software, but was unable to do the same for the 32 bit version on a different PC? Not a huge issue, as I manually downloaded the 32 bit version of 13.0.24 and just installed that over 13.0.22 but i'm curious to know why in program updates to the 64 & 32 bit versions are treated differently.

Eset gradually sends out updates in program rather than sending the update to everyone all at once. This is often done to avoid issues e.g. everyone gets updated straight away and there's an undiscovered bug that affects everyone. Staggering the updates can help as only a few would get affected instead. It may also prevent overloads. It's not to say that eset doesn't have quality control but sometimes things can get missed.

As you have seen you can still manually update instead of waiting for the in product update 

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Agrees that it is very uncomfortable to be downloading and installing over the current version, the good and when you have the option inside the antivirus that just press the button and update the software. I know that eset has, but as the friend said is not appearing.

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6 hours ago, psychopomp1 said:

Yes I'm aware of that but my question was: why on my 64 bit version of EIS 13.0.22 i was able to update to 13.0.24 using the 'update' option within the software, but was unable to do the same for the 32 bit version on a different PC?

Sorry, I didn't thoroughly read your original posting as to what the issue was.

Below is a screen shot from Eset x(64) installation Update section. Are you stating that what is circled in the screen shot is missing from the Eset 32 bit version? And this also persists after the 32 bit version has been updated via latest version full product download and installing on top of the old version?


Edited by itman
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'"check for updates'' appears for both 32 & 64 bit 13.0.22 versions, so no issues there.

My issue was, that clicking on "check for updates" in the 32 bit of v13.0.22  did NOT give me an option to upgrade to 13.0.24 whilst in the 64 bit version, there was an option to upgrade to 13.0.24. Therefore i had to manually download the 32 bit version of EIS 13.0.24 and install that over 13.0.22. Bit of a faff....

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The same is happening for me running Windows 2 professional 64 bit

ESET Internet security v English (not sure how to tell if it is 64 or 32 bit)


Although https://support.eset.com/en/which-eset-product-do-i-have-and-is-it-the-latest-version-home-users

Says the latest version is

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3 hours ago, Patch said:

The same is happening for me running Windows 2 professional 64 bit

ESET Internet security v English (not sure how to tell if it is 64 or 32 bit)


Although https://support.eset.com/en/which-eset-product-do-i-have-and-is-it-the-latest-version-home-users

Says the latest version is

This could be because v13.0.24 is still being rolled out slowly. Also sometimes some versions are location based e.g. I've seen one with a different number in the past that was the same as another number but for a different country

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  • 2 weeks later...

It appears ESET have added new Windows update prerequisets


The details of that page varying depending on what Windows updates have been applied

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