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Migration to Server 2016

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Hi there,

at the moment I have a very good ESET environment running. Now I want to change my server OS on a new Server with new IP.

Has someone a cooking recipe for me, so I can transfer all my settings (including the policies) to the new system? I have a standard installation with mySQL.



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Thanks for the link Marcos. The Backup of my database worked, but while restoreing the database on the new server I receive the following errormessage:

C:\Windows\system32>SQLCMD.EXE -S Servername\ERASQL -d ERA_DB -E -Q "RESTORE DATABASE ERA_DB FROM DISK = N'C:\_install\DBBACKUP'"
Msg 3102, Level 16, State 1, Server Servername\ERASQL, Line 1
RESTORE cannot process database 'ERA_DB' because it is in use by this session. It is recommended that the master database be used when performing this operation.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server Servername\ERASQL, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

What is running wrong? As I can see the command looks good. Reboot does not solve the situation.

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Hello there,

you can try the restore command with a restore option as the following:
SQLCMD -S servername\ERASQL -d ERA_DB -E -Q "USE master RESTORE DATABASE ERA_DB FROM DISK ='c:\backup\file.bak' with replace"

assuming that the  backup file is locating in c:\backup\file.bak
it can be done without the USE master option as well. 

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Thanks Farah,

I did the command as you described. First I had a errormessage, the database is in use, bur after stopping the ESMC it worked.

But now I have the next problem:

The webconsole is starting, then I type my username and password. Login does not work, but I get an errormessage:

Login failed: Connection has failed with state 'Not connected'

Before I did the restore it worked with the usernam/password

What else can I do?


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I do not know, what I have done wrong - but there was no solution for me after hours of unseccessful tries.


I have made the decision to install the ESMC new on the new server and switch client by client to the new system

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