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Network Protection Troubleshooting shows block on my router


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I have been having issues with maintaining connectivity to my VPN recently. I looked at the ENDPOINT Security program (7.1.2053) on windows 10 and it shows my Routers Gateway address. I can do UNBLOCK but it comes back later. The detection is for >> svchost.exe Destination Port 1900 UDP Direction = IN // Communication denied by rule- Block incoming SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe. Would this cause issue with V PN connectivity at all?  


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The firewall troubleshooting wizard is meant to solve connectivity issues. If you don't have any, there's no reason to run it.

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Ran into this issue the very first time I installed EIS many moons ago.

Assumed and was the case for me is your gateway has UPnP enabled. Eset only allows inbound UPnP for trusted devices. Obviously, the gateway is not a trusted device. Leaving Eset's Networking Wizard blocking in place will result in many thousands of Win event log entries occurring in a very short time. I resolved the problem by  disabling the Win SSDP Discovery service which should be disabled anyway for security reasons.

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I will also add that I re-enabled SSDP Discovery service on Win 10 and no longer have this Eset Network Wizard issue. Again, I know that UPnP is enabled on my router. So it is a bit of a mystery why you are receiving these Network Wizard issues in regards to svchost.exe.

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20 minutes ago, tmuster2k said:

So in your case, after disabling UPNP on router you no longer had connectivity issues with VPN connection? 

I don't use a VPN.

However, once I enabled the SSDP Discovery service, weird inbound port 1900 connections were being detected by Eset that made no sense. Things finally straightened out SSDP wise when I updated to Win 10 1909. I still have SSDP service enabled, using the Eset Public firewall profile, and getting zip Network Wizard blocks due to inbound 1900 traffic blocks.

I had some nasty malware a while back that hacked my router among other things. Appears this might have also hosed Win networking settings.

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