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advanced > rules ... nothing appears when interactive

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The attached images if from my desktop. On my laptop nothing appears in this area despite interactive being turned on. I've used the product for many years so I am confident that I know my way around but I must be missing something and I cannot think of what.

Can someone point me in the right direction?



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I just switched to Interactive mode in ver. 13.0.22.

Received the Eset alert on outbound communication and selected the option to create a permanent rule. Then accessed Eset GUI and the created rules were there to allow outbound communication.

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indeed, exactly what happens on my desktop. I am not getting any such notifications on the laptop despite interactive being turned on. I have turned it on and off, shut the program down and paused all traffic.

is there that I am perhaps missing or should i reinstall? I'm concerned that if I reinstall the problem may continue so I was wondering is there a setting I am missing.

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45 minutes ago, TheReservoirDag said:

s there that I am perhaps missing

Verify that the Win firewall is being managed by Eset. If using Win 10, verify in Windows Defender Security Center that the Eset firewall is on and the Win firewall is off.

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Are you on version 13 - if you haven't got many rules try deleting them and then starting again possibly trying learning mode as Marcos has suggested. You could always try and back things up e.g. rules before deleting them

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Hello everyone,

Firstly thanks for taking the time to help. I have included two screenshots

  1. Windows defender et al is being controlled by ESET but it would seem not the puboic profile.
  2. The rules area. As you will see no rules exist therefore I cannot delete rules to start from scratch. I cannot create rules at all.

Thanks - any suggesgtions would be greatly appreciated



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1 hour ago, TheReservoirDag said:

Hello everyone,

Firstly thanks for taking the time to help. I have included two screenshots

  1. Windows defender et al is being controlled by ESET but it would seem not the puboic profile.
  2. The rules area. As you will see no rules exist therefore I cannot delete rules to start from scratch. I cannot create rules at all.

Thanks - any suggesgtions would be greatly appreciated



A few things to try. Firstly if your on 12 update to 13. Did you try to switch to learning mode for the firewall instead of interactive mode?

It does sound like something is corrupt. You could try to repair eset by going to add/remove programs ans find eset. When you try to uninstal there should be a repair option that could repair and fix the issue. You could always back up your settings if needs be but there is a risk the issue could get copied. You could also uninstall if the repair does not help and reinstall from scratch.

If a full uninstall does not help you may need to uninstall with esets uninstall tool in safe mode available from https://support.eset.com/en/uninstall-eset-manually-using-the-eset-uninstaller-tool although hopefully the repair will work and avoid all this

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