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Question about first steps with ESMC in the CLOUD

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sorry - I didn understand it right.

Customer have 20 x "Secure Business" but no ESMC

Customer have 20 x Win10 Tower PCs in his office and a vShphere Server.

If I don´t want the local "apache/centOS"  ESMC - what else should "read/do"?

Switch to ESET Secure Cloud Business?

Goal:   ESMC in the Cloud, Antivirus-Settings-via ESMC-Cloud

I have a local Domaincontroller and a local Exchange.

The Agent inst´t installed.   The PCs don´t have the latest ESET NOD Antivirus Version.


thx in advance!

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  • ESET Staff


Yes, the suggested steps would be: 

  1. Upgrade your license to ESET Secure Business Cloud
  2. Setup your ECA instance via ESET Business Account
  3. Generate agent only installer and install it on the machines where the Endpoints are installed to connect them to Cloud Administrator 



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