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My server running ERA went down and we didn't have backups of any kind. All Endpoints are still installed and are running 6.4.2014.0. I've now installed Security Management Center and would like to reconnect those Endpoints. It found my computers but they're not reconnecting. Is this possible and if so how can I go about doing this? I appreciate any help. Thanks

  • Administrators

You will need to re-deploy the ESMC agent using the current CA and agent peer certificates.

After the clients start to report to the ESMC server, we strongly recommend upgrading them to the latest version of Endpoint 7.1. for maximum protection.


Thanks for the reply. The ESMC agent was deployed successfully to all clients but only 2 have reported in. Those 2 are brand new installs and never had the previous version ERA installed. If I try to send a wake up call it fails. What else can I do to get them to report in?

  • Administrators

If you previously deployed agent via GPO, uninstall it via GPO first prior to re-deploying it using the current CA and agent peer certificates.

Also keep in mind that if re-deploying agent over an older version of the agent, it needs to be done twice. First agent upgrades to the latest version and in the course of the second run certificates are updated.

In case of issues, please check C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Agent\EraAgentApplicationData\Logs\status.html and trace.log for possible errors.

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