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Newsmode.me not detected by eset

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I have noticed that my computer had a virus. for what i was able to discover, it's called newsmode.me
Eset didn't show any notifications. 

I was only capable to delete it with this tutorial via the pc console

Pls update for a pop up blocker for this extension


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Malwaretips.com has a removal guide on it dated 8/19: https://malwaretips.com/blogs/remove-newsmode-me/ . So its is far from being a recent event.

It's adware. The problem is adware can serve up malicious ones. The best way to prevent crud like this is using a good ad blocker in your browser.

What I am curious about is VT shows an Eset detection as "suspicious." Is this a new detection? If not, Eset should have thrown an alert upon attempted access to this domain. Was the alert ignored?

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It's been blocked just recently. However, the OP seems to have come here to propagate his cleaner; some links and stuff were removed from his post and profile.

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