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Process exclusions located on network share?


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We have an app / process that needs to be excluded from real-time protection, and it is located on a network share. When we try add the path to the .exe file, the application baulks saying the item is invalid.  It seems only be an issue with with the process on the network share with a path like "\\myserver\myfolder\myprogram.exe", as doing the same with "C:\myserver\myfolder\myprogram.exe" works fine. The problem is that this process *is* located on the network, and I need to exclude it. 

How is this done?


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Since no one has answered this, I will give it a shot.

I assume you have already mapped this network share to an available drive letter; let's say it's "K." Also assumed is you have saved this mapping so you don't have to reenter it each connection attempt.

Did you try to add the exclusion as K:\myfolder\myprogram.exe?

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Thanks for the reply, itman. 

Yes. I did try mapping the containing folder to a drive and entering the process exclusion that way. It was still not accepted. Seems the ESET software knows it is a network drive. 

Very strange. This seems like a notable limitation or oversight, right?  Cannot image this has not been encountered before. 

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Loos like a bug in the validator. As a workaround, use any path, then export the configuration to an xml file, change the path in the xml to a UNC path to the desired file and finally import the configuration xml.

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