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Menu of system tray icon changed

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Hello, it is strange that the right click menu of system tray icon changed, it does not look like that before. Has re-installed the latest internet security version but remained the same. It is on windows 10, the system is set the best appearance. Thank you. 


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Below is what the same display looks like on my Win 10 x(64) 1903 build. Note that my screen resolution is 1920 x 1080 scaled to 125%. Also the screen shot is a .png file so its not 100% true to what is actually being displayed on the desktop. Appears to me something is wrong with the fonts your Win 10 installation is using.


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Thank you for reply.

It looks like that I set the language for non-unicode programs to Chinese simplified to have caused the program. It becomes normal under English language, as itman posted. 

Just restored it to version 11, the old good looking menu comes back even in the Chinese simplified non-Unicode, as see in the attached. 


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In v9-v11, clicking the tray icon opened egui.exe which was already running. V12+ launches egui_proxy.exe. Probably the font is slightly different and the system substitutes it by another one.


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