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Offline activation of EFS 7 for Linux from text terminal

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Hi !

I'm currently evaluating File Security 7 for Linux and would like to know if there is any way to activate EFS from a text terminal with an offline license file.

I know that offline activation is available from the web console but I'm trying to automate the installation with Ansible and including the activation process would help me to save a significant time in servers' whole provisioning process.

The servers run on customers' premises and are not allowed to connect to any internet service. I'm only allowed to push my setup data and using any port forwarding is prohibited.

This is a tricky context but I know that offline activation was available from command line on EFS 4. Maybe there is still such way on EFS 7, but I didn't find it.

Thank you for you help (and please pardon my Frenglish).

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Legacy linux products, such as EFS v4, didn't support activation whatsoever. They merely used a username and password to update without activation. I'll leave the question for other colleagues to answer but at least on Windows activation from command line is not possible. Also please keep in mind that offline license files are intended only for activation on machines that never connect to the Internet neither directly or through a proxy server.

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Hi Marcos,

Thank you for your answer.

The use case you described for the offline license files match exactly the context of my servers: No internet access, no proxy and no port forwarding allowed (even if  that's possible through our maintenance SSH sessions but that's prohibited by our customers).

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  • Former ESET Employees

Hi Sangator,

please can you tell me, how do you plan to solve updating of Detection engine and other modules?

Unfortunately, right now it's not possible to activate using offline file via console. If you'd have some proxy, which would be connected to internet then it would work.

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Hi Matus,

Thank you for your answer.

We can generate an offline update repository by using the Eset Mirror Tool, then we push an export of this repository to the server through an SSH/SCP connection (our only way to manage the server) and we expose it on localhost as an nginx site.

Too bad for the offline activation via console. It seems the only way to automate this step is scripting few browser's actions (chromium headless + chromedp) on the web console. I'll try this way and share my feedback.

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  • Former ESET Employees

OK, please share it:)

Also, please write us an ideal flow, how would you like that activation in terminal with offline file would be implemented. 

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