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jzip crashes on every zip archive access due to nod32 positive founding alert


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jzip crashes on every zip archive access due to nod32 positive founding alert


jzip is the only application on our two pc's for handling the zip archives. 

NOD32 AV of the latest current release build 7.x.x.x is used on those pc's as well.

jzip crashes on opening of every zip archive. The crash is always accompanied by nod32 av positive finding error.

So the user's impression is the jzip crash occurs due to the positive founding alert of nod32 av.


The problems do not occur if to switch off the nod32 av real-time protection.


Why must these crashes be?



Attached are logs produced by nod32 AV.



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To ignore this particular PUA, unfold advanced options in the yellow notification window, tick "Exclude from detection" box and select No action.

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Thank for your hint!

Is this the best solution for these probs?

Unfortunately no signs in the web of similar probs on pc's of other jzip & nod32 users?

Are we alone?

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It is the only solution if you want to allow PUA (Potentially Unwanted Apps) detection.

You can get in front of it by excluding the directories you want ESET to ignore in the advanced, antivirus and anti spyware, exclusions section, prior to running your app.

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