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ESET Stopping Fusion 360 from starting

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From the update today i can no longer start the AutoCad software Fusion 360. It is a cloud based software and ESET is blocking it and evan after a reinstall of the software I can not get it to function. As soon as I activate F360 the task manager is telling me ESET is using 90% of CPU. How can I fix this issue?


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What ESET product and version do you have installed? What OS do you use? Does any of the following make a difference?
- pausing protection
- pausing firewall
- disabling protocol filtering in the advanced setup
- disabling real-time protection in the advanced setup
- disabling HIPS protection in the advanced setup and rebooting the machine
- temporarily uninstalling ESET.

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Yes I did get it to work by pausing protection and firewall
Others not tried
OS is Windows 8





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I have no idea what the other options are or how to use them
It works by disabling firewall and protection
How can i whitelist this program so ESET does not block it ? 

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Here you disable protocol filtering:


And here HIPS:


Make sure that both settings are re-enabled after running the tests.

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Hi, I had a similar problem, but with Autodesk's Inventor 2020 software. When you launch the software, it would not run.

I found an article from their website that relates to anti-virus software: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search-result/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Are-there-antivirus-exclusions-I-can-implement-to-make-programs-run-better.html
however, the software supplier guy reckoned it was not the Antivirus software that was causing the problem.


Questions to ESET:

1. To 'Pause Antivirus and antispyware protection' it asks me for a password, which I don't have and I am unable to access the 'Advanced setup'. Does this means that our network administrator needs to log in with his password?

2. Is it possible to 'Edit exclusions' if 'Real-time file system protection' is running?


Maybe this is the actual issue (this solved my problem):

Our IT guy noticed that the AdskLicensingAgent.exe is not running in Task Manager under Services tab, so he just started it up from there and it worked.

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1, Not necessarily. In networks administrators usually manage Endpoint configuration centrally via ESET Security Management Center.

2, Unless exclusions are set by a policy, you can edit them. However, it's not equal to disabling real-time protection in the advanced setup and rebooting the machine which ensures the real-time protection not to be loaded at all.

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11 hours ago, Marcos said:

Here you disable protocol filtering:


And here HIPS:


Make sure that both settings are re-enabled after running the tests.

Yes tried this, reboot and it worked, I have set them back to "on" now, reboot and Fusion is working again. The issue is that it may not work this afternoon or at sometime soon again.

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I disabled both, then re-enabled both, rebooted and the program now works. Can you keep this post open and when/if I have a issue again I will try doing one at a time to see what works. I can not do that now because it is working at the moment, thanks for your time Marcos


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