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Potential New Bug with ESS

Go to solution Solved by tommy456,

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Today  after downloading a 10gb test tile, my PC was virtually unresponsive a look in windows Task manager showed that EKRN.EXE  process was hogging the CPU 85% +  browsers failed to open as did outlook express, then the machine became totally unresponsive, i had to resort to using the power button


When eset rebooted it was slower loading windows  than it was previously, and everything was lagging(delayed)

So i  changed from the pre release module set to the default set, and the delays have gone, but i notice that ess is sending a lot of diagnostic reports


Not only this EKRN.EXE is Hogging my ram even though i have ssl disabled  it's currently using double what it should use when pc is idling  it wasn't doing this the until today what has eset done ?


And if that weren't enough of an issue  eset is also generating DMP files  in the diagnostics folder and since 09:40am GMT it has used over 36GB of HDD space 237 DMP files in diagnostics & 41 in modules folder !!!! just what the hell is going on at eset ?


Ok, just a quick update , ess is still reporting that it's 18/02/2014 20:35:09    ESET Kernel    File  'ESET Diagnostic file' was sent to ESET for analysis. six times within 30seconds, except it didn't generate a dmp file to send,this time

Av sig is : version 9440 (20140218).  

ESS Update log.xml

Edited by tommy456
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I am receiving this same issue.

ESET is not hogging my RAM though.

I just checked my SSD and i have lost 15GB + of space.


Virus signature database: 9440P (20140218)
Rapid Response module: 3709 (20140218)
Update module: 1047 (20131023)
Antivirus and antispyware scanner module: 1420 (20140128)
Advanced heuristics module: 1147 (20140114)
Archive support module: 1190 (20140129)
Cleaner module: 1083 (20140212)
Anti-Stealth support module: 1058 (20140130)
Personal firewall module: 1183 (20140214)
Antispam module: 1027 (20131119)
ESET SysInspector module: 1240 (20131202)
Real-time file system protection module: 1009 (20130301)
Translation support module: 1145 (20131121)
HIPS support module: 1115 (20140206)
Internet protection module: 1102 (20140127)
Web content filter module: 1031 (20131120)
Advanced antispam module: 1625P (20140218)
Database module: 1053 (20140206)


Edited by Arakasi
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I have switched ESET to no longer generate a memory dump and im clearing up the dmp's because its too much on my SSD.

I will save the latest dmp file.

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There was a temporary glitch with pre-release updates which might have caused excessive generation of dumps. It was fixed about 24 hours ago.

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It has stopped generating DMP files yes, but it still is trying to send a diagnostic file to eset 

19/02/2014 13:49:03	ESET Kernel	File  'ESET Diagnostic file' was sent to ESET for analysis.	
19/02/2014 13:49:01	ESET Kernel	File  'ESET Diagnostic file' was sent to ESET for analysis.	
19/02/2014 13:49:00	ESET Kernel	File  'ESET Diagnostic file' was sent to ESET for analysis.	
19/02/2014 13:48:59	ESET Kernel	File  'ESET Diagnostic file' was sent to ESET for analysis.	
19/02/2014 13:48:57	ESET Kernel	File  'ESET Diagnostic file' was sent to ESET for analysis.	
19/02/2014 13:48:56	ESET Kernel	File  'ESET Diagnostic file' was sent to ESET for analysis.	
19/02/2014 13:48:54	ESET Kernel	Statistical information was sent to ESET.	
19/02/2014 12:48:54	ESET Kernel	Virus signature database successfully updated to version 9443 (20140219).		

This too needs fixing  ,BTW the  memory leak issue  was resolved after i switched to the default set of modules  from the pre release

Edited by Marcos
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Those were most likely already cached. If you want to clear the cache, delete the content of the "C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Endpoint Security\Charon" folder in safe mode.

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Thanks for the tip, although for win xp the  location of the charon folder  is different , but i got the gist of your post, and found the folder  it did indeed have lots of files inside it, but it hasn't now, and it has now stopped uploading them to eset, so back to how it was prior to the  update /module that caused it in the first place

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