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Why is ESET.EXE sending so much data via my internet - how can i stop that?


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Why is ESET.EXE sending so much data via my internet - how can i stop the sending of so much data? Would it be sufficient just to have the data scanned from the virus updates i already download from from you instead of having all my internet data sent to you via this hog of eset.exe sending you large packets of data constantly when Im online?


Please see my two two screenshots of this issue. I would like to draw attention to bytes received via Firefox being 63MB and data sent via your eset.exe being 80MB. What is this 80MB of data that you are getting - is it not data protected - how do i stop this large amount of data being sent(what settings must I change?) and what is contained in it?


By the way -I am happy with your program in every other way except this issue.



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You must be using Windows XP. On this OS, ekrn.exe works as a local proxy so with application protocol filtering enabled all pop3 and http traffic is routed through it.

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