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Brak filtra połączeń i SMS (No call filter and SMS)

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Został usunięty filtr połączeń i SMS już wcześniej nie działał teraz połączenia i zaczeli wydzwaniać z telemarketing dręczyć z waszej winy i gdzie BEZPIECZEŃSTWO jakim się tylko chwalicie. 

Machine translation:

The call and SMS filter has been removed and the call has not been activated before and started to call from the telemarketing to torment your guilt and where SAFETY you just praise.

Screenshot_20190117-053142_ESET Mobile Security.jpg

Screenshot_20190117-042941_ESET Mobile Security.jpg

Screenshot_20190118-204436_ESET Mobile Security.jpg

Edited by Marcos
Machine translation added
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An update of Google policy now prevents vendors publishing their applications in Google Play store from using call and SMS filters unless it's the main purpose of the application. As a result, we had to remove these features from the application distributed through Google Play. For more details, please read https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9047303?hl=en.

An alternative is to uninstall the Google Play version and use a fully functional web version distributed by ESET. For instructions how to get it and install it, please read https://support.eset.com/kb6563/.

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An alternative is to uninstall the Google Play version and use a fully functional web version distributed by ESET.

Is this version updated automatically once it has been successfully installed and activated?

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4 hours ago, dermitdemdino said:

Is this version updated automatically once it has been successfully installed and activated?

It should. It's just like the Google Play version but without the restrictions caused by Google's policy.

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Czy dobrze rozumiem, że opcje te zależne są od tego, że instalujemy ze sklepu a nie z Waszej strony?
Uważam, że jak do tej pory sprawa Anty-Spama dla:
SMS - brak możliwości blokowania dotyczy Androida od wersji 6.0
Telefon - brak możliwości blokowania połączeń dotyczy Androida od wersji 8.0
i tak zawsze było to przedstawiane.
A teraz dowiaduje się, ze aplikacja z Waszej strony nie zawiera tych ograniczeń, ze nie jest związana z wersją Androida.
Marcos  - proszę wyjaśnij mi to.



Do I understand correctly that these options depend on the fact that we install from the store and not from your site?
I believe that so far the Anti-Spam case for:
SMS - no blocking ability applies to Android from version 6.0
Phone - no connection blocking option applies to Android since version 8.0
and so it was always presented.
And now he learns that the application on your side does not contain these restrictions, it is not related to the Android version.
Marcos - please explain it to me.

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