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ESET Endpoint Antivirus not updating anymore since upgrade to v7


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Hello togehter,

as many of us i am currently in the migration phase from v6 to v7.

Our environment is running an ESET Proxy at each location.

I have done the migration steps as described in this KB article. Everyhting went quite well, the main server has been upgraded to ESET Management Center, the proxys as well as the policies have been reconfigured and our agents have been upgraded.

The issue is, that when it comes to the upgrade of ESET Endpoint Antivirus to v7, the client is not updating the modules anymore. It seems that the detection engine can be updated, but not the modules of Endpoint Antivirus. With Endpoint Version 6.6.... everything is working fine.
Do i need to do some reconfiguration of the endpoint policies? They have been configured to use the proxy servers for upgrades. I can not find anything regarding the endpoint policies in the ESET KB, only for the agent policies.

Current config, which is working with Endpoint Antivirus v6.6... but not with v7.0...:




Thank you very much.

Regards PALPS


Edited by Palps
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If one module updates fine (e.g. the engine), the others must update fine too.

What makes you believe that other modules are not updated? Please post information about installed modules from one of the troublesome machines.

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It's because the ESET Kernel Dedection engine is updating but Update module not.


Between 14/11/ and 16/11/ the update icon was circling the whole time. Only after a reboot the detection engine is updated sometimes.

Edited by Palps
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Okay, but with v6 i dont get this errors.

Here some more screenshots. Since last wednesday (14.11.) i have the same situation:

The icon in the taskbar is doing the "scanning rotation" (like a radar) and there is written "Module upgrade in progress..."


Also ESET Endpoint antivirus is showing "Updating product..." but the last successfull update was 19/11/2018 accorting to the "Update-Section":


But as shown in the logs it still has the bad link to update server issue and is not showing that the detection engine has succesfully been updated.




With v6 all is running smooth.

Thank you for your help.


Edited by Palps
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The paths to update folders appear to be correct in the registry. Please enable advanced update engine logging in the advanced setup -> tools -> diagnostics, reproduce the error, then disable logging and gather fresh ELC logs.

You don't need to set a password to encrypt the archive since only moderators and ESET staff can access attachments in this forum.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,

I have same issue. I installed the ESEt Endpoint Security v.7.0.2091.0 for testing on a few computers, but the Detection Engine does not update. The ESET icon spinning and send message: "Module update in progress" continously wihout any results.

ERAS and ERAA are v.

We plan the ERAS update shortly to v. 7.0 but maybe it is not so good idea yet - until I'm not sure that the new version will work properly. 


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Please see my previous reply. Enable advanced updater engine logging, reproduce the error, disable logging , gather logs with ESET Log Collector and provide me with the generated archive.

If you connect trough a proxy server, try connecting directly.

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Same issue her. I notice that login as Administrator on each computer finish update of modules, but that is not solution if update is  apx. every 1 hour. Any advices?

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Please read my previous replies. Enable advanced updater engine logging, reproduce the error, disable logging , gather logs with ESET Log Collector and provide me with the generated archive.

If you connect trough a proxy server, try connecting directly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello All,

For your information, it seems my update problem is solved - see upper.
Shortly, I had update issues on the following configuration:

- ESET File Security 6.5.12017.0 on the server side + ERAA 6.5.522.0 + EES 7.0.x on the client side

The issues disappeared by the server upgrade to version 7.0:

- ESET File Security 7.0.12016.0 on the server side + EMA 7.0.577.0 + EES 7.0.x on the client side 


So, maybe it is not the best idea to test the 7.x version EES software on 6.5 server version server enviroment.  

I hope I helped.





Edited by Zoltan Endresz
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Again,


So sorry, I have to correct my previous note.

The problem was solved correctly just by the latest version EES 7.0.2100.4 .

The other EES 7.0.x version were buggy - as I see from my point of view. 



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  • 1 month later...


I just wanted to confirm Zoltans info.

EEA 7.0.2100.4 is working without any issues.

The versions before had the update issue.


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