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lancement application très lente quand mise en place de l'analyse de flux (Slow launching of application with protocol filtering on)


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Après n'avoir eu aucune réponse satisfaisante de eset au sujet de lenteur lors du lancement de plusieurs applications qui charge un cache pour ouvrir la page de login.

la seule solution est de désactiver le filtrage des protocoles dans :

Internet et messagerie / filtrage des protocoles mais nous ne pouvons faire des exclusions que du chemin exacte de l’exécutable et nous en avons plus de 500 différents...

lors de l'activation du filtrage des protocoles nous mettons 1 minutes pour ouvrir l'application et 3 secondes lors de la désactivation.
J'ai demandé a eset de pouvoir importer plusieurs chemin d'exclusion car 500 a taper a la main n'est pas gérable, mais aucune réponse pour le moment.
serait-il possible d'avoir une aide?


Machine translation:
After having no satisfactory answer from eset about slowness when launching multiple applications that loads a cache to open the login page.

The only solution is to disable protocol filtering in:
Internet and messaging / filtering protocols but we can only make exclusions of the exact path of the executable and we have more than 500 different ...
when activating the protocol filtering we take 1 minute to open the application and 3 seconds when deactivating.
I asked eset to be able to import several exclusion path because 500 to type by hand is not manageable, but no answer at the moment.
would it be possible to have help?

Edited by Marcos
Machine translation added
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  • Administrators

Since this is an English forum, we kindly ask you to post in English, otherwise moderator as well as many other users may not understand and will be unable to help.

Assuming that you have Endpoint v7 installed, try switching to pre-release updates in the advanced update setup so that the latest modules are downloaded. Let us know if that helped or not.
If not, remove all exclusions and in the advanced setup -> tools -> diagnostics, enable advanced network protection and protocol filtering logging, then reproduce the issue, disable logging and finally gather logs with ELC. Provide the ELC logs to customer care with a link to this topic so that the case is properly tracked. Besides that, upload the ELC logs here so that we can check them out.

Last but not least, please provide step-by-step instructions how to reproduce the issue. For instance, it is not clear what you mean by "launching multiple applications that loads a cache to open the login page". Please clarify. Is the issue reproducible on all machines that you have?

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