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Key lost

Max Leb

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J'ai réinstallé mon antivirus ESET et j'ai perdu la clé de licence que j'ai sans doute supprimé de mes mails il y a longtemps.

Comment puis-je la récupérer ?

Merci d'avance.


Machine translation:
I reinstalled my ESET antivirus and lost the license key that I probably deleted from my emails a long time ago.
How can I get it back?

Edited by Marcos
Machine translation added
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We kindly ask you to post in English so that moderators and most of other users can understand you.

As for retrieving your lost license key, you can try filling in your registration email address at https://www.eset.com/int/support/lost-license/.
If you don't receive any email, please contact your local seller from whom you purchased your license.

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Hi Marcos,

Thanks for your support, it worked.

BUT i lost 1 year of licence...

Can you check my account, there is a mistake... How can i get back my real licence ?


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On 10/30/2018 at 8:34 PM, Max Leb said:

I bought the licence on eset.com 

Store your license somewhere you won't lose it.

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On 11/6/2018 at 6:45 PM, Max Leb said:

i will just find an other AV, this will help much more...

Depends what you want. So far Eset hasn't let me down and others are. Your best bet is to go to the eset support page and open a ticket. The forum is good for discussing stuff but it is always recommended to email them directly

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