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"JS/Adware.Agent.AA application" pops up when I want to enter kissanime

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Guys, this is a serious issue. I've had this alert popup on me when visiting a site, saying it has JS/Adware.Agent.AC  (I control the website which had this alert, but we were requesting a third party script on that page). I had to disable the antivirus to see which one. Regardless...

Next I run a full system scan, just to be sure.

For the same alleged threat, the antivirus deleted from my computer SQL dumps (backups) that I have personally made a long time ago. So these were .sql files, that I have made. Even if the contents of the SQL statements would have contained shady javascript (there was HTML/JS in them), how could those have harmed my computer, being in SQL statements?

Had to stop the system scan, as who knows what else could have deleted from my computer. Not cool. You can't just delete files from my computer just because they contain obfuscated javascript. As a side note, my work has a lot of obfuscated JS in it... that I've obfuscated. Are you just going to delete my work because I need to obfuscate it?


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Ir proves my point  -  you detected no virus or any malware. 

You blacklist the site simply because Exoclick is a ads provider.

The site is safe. And Exoclick may have served some ads with adware that is beyond their control. And you detected none whatsoever. 

If this is not blacklisting, what is?

What is the solution? Please ask me to change ads company. They are the biggest and the best alternative to Google.  

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31 minutes ago, Diddy Cool said:

Here is a sample suite: hxxp://scandalshack.com/

Really if you don't trust Eset's detections, use another security product and post back when you get infected with some download.

Also, not all web rep scanners "are created equal." Below is a screen shot of Quttera's scan of the web site. Note that it will actually download and analyze what the web site is serving up. Here's the link to the detailed report: https://quttera.com/detailed_report/scandalshack.com



Also expect to see a lot more AV detections of this web site on VirusTotal. Everytime I run a Quttera scan like this, the VT detection rate afterwards "skyrockets."

Edited by itman
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Exoclick can contact us directly and we will explain them what the problem is. Our primary goal is to protect our users. The detection will remain unchanged until Exoclick sorts out the issues.

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of course I can't accept what you said.

you detected nothing.

and then you use another nonsensensical site telling there are suspicious files. .. WHAT ARE THE VIRUS?

Nothing. Just some cached pages with Exoclick.com

Also. There is nothing to download from my site.  What can go wrong?

Why wouldn't Google ban the site.

And while is this Quaterra. .. You?

so, you trust this Quaternary blindly instead of almost 70 industry heavy weights like Sucuri and Google?

are you going to blacklist the site forever?

Prove to me there are virus

Or I will rally the world to boycott Eset.

hope you understand the consequences. 

BTW.  I urge you to check what's Exoclick revenue... are you bigger than them? 

Do something.



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