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Virus signature database is out of date

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I'am new to ERA console, in witch  I have some Workstations with this alert:

Virus signature database is out of date

Is there a task I can run from ERA to update Virus signature database in those hosts

Thank you for your help

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  • Administrators

Is the version of the detection engine on the client actually outdated? If not, check the system date and make sure it's correct.

Endpoint updates in 60 min. interval by default. Check the event log for possible errors. To enforce an update from ERA, click a client and select "Update modules" from the menu.



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I have the antivirus outdated, so I did an update modules, but still the antivirus outdated.

Is there something I should do to update the antivirus


2018-08-10ESET Remote Administrator.png

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  • ESET Staff

Hi @Chirac

As @Marcos pointed the ESET updates every 60 min the modules and virus database.
To update the versión you have to run a task as "software installation" with the latest version of the product and the parameters required.

Please note, Home versions updated automatically in version, Endpoint products requires someone who do the job or set the task.


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  • Administrators

In your first post you reported that the detection engine (signature db) is outdated, however, your last screen shot shows the version of the program. As Gonzalo pointed out, if you want to update the program to the latest version, use a software install task.

However, bear in mind that if you update Endpoint from a mirror, you will need to create a mirror compatible with Endpoint 6.6 which uses dll modules while Endpoint 6.5 and older use nup files which are not compatible.

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Thank you it worked for me, if I understood well, when ever I have an alert for virus signature database out of date, a simple update modules in the context menu of a computer will resolve the problem, and if it is a product outedated I have to create a task to install the new version.

I am looking to update the ERA gent for some computers, is there a task to do this from ERA console? and if I have both the agent and the product out of date, is there a sequence to follow for exemple update the agent before the product? 

Thank you

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Thank you for your help.

I created 2 dynamic groups, one for outedated Agent and the other for outdated AV, and I assigned to the first group the task for component update and to the second the one for software install, I am confident thanks to your help that monday every ERA agent and every product will be up to date.

Have a nice Weekend and thanks again

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