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Cannot submit false positive sample


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Eset is detecting several company files and our customers are complaining to us.

I go to submit the sample, zipped with password protection, and we keep getting this error. There are many files with the false positive. Some are over 1GB in size.

This is quite important. What would the next step be to submit the sample?




Edited by stevehal
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Please follow the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb141/. If it's detected as a potentially unsafe or unwanted application and it's not a packer which is detected, it's unlikely to be a false positive. Use subject along the line "Possible FP - Win32/XY". You can also add the name of the software so that it's obvious from subject what the ticket is about. You can upload big files to OneDrive, DropBox, etc. and include just a download link.

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Hi Marcos,

I zipped it up and password protected the file and sent them an email as best instructed on the page.

Lets hope they respond. This started happening all the sudden.



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