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Eset is popping up every 5 minutes


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Today as usually when I started my computer blue eset window showed up. It wouldn't be anything unusual if the same window wouldn't be popping up every 5 minutes from now on! Window is always on top, so it's interrupting my tasks and it's extremely annoying. Why and how this happened ? Was it the last update? Literally every few minutes the small blue window (like on system startup) is showing up and then main program window after it shows up (like if you go to your taskbar and click on small eset icon).  How to prevent this from happening?

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Not sure what blue ESET window you mean so please post a screen shot for clarification. As far as I know, there is no blue window shown by ESET. Also let us know what ESET product and version you use and what is your version of Windows.

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